
Monday, March 14, 2011

The Japanese are amazing. Can you believe NO looting, volunteering to not use unnecessary electricity, helping each other, sharing precious food with reporters. Amazing! America could learn a few things, eh?


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hi again. Been gone for a bit, but I'm back now.

This is our new pup, Mindy, with Alyssa. Alyssa is not strangling Mindy, although Mindy is a bit "nerbuss". They'll get used to each other, I'm sure.
Mindy is eight weeks old; a chihuahua-Jack Russell mix (mom) and ??? She is totally a terrier. She likes to burrow under the covers or into my side or against my neck; play tug-of-war; and has wiggled & wagged her way into my heart.
That's the the good about today.