
January 2, 2011

Last night I realized I wanted to go to church today. I'm falling in love with our church and the people. I was concerned that I might not be able to make it due to FM, but I slept well and woke up feeling good.
At church, I walked around greeting folks. I went up onto the platform and visited with the choir. Then I walked around the sanctuary saying hi, giving hugs and just loving on people.
It felt SO GOOD! I am made for that - visiting with folks, welcoming them, be friendly.
I think what has made the difference is realizing that church isn't about or for me. It's about, and for, Jesus and others.  Who can I love today?
Ephesians 1 says we were chosen to BE for His glory. I am BEing me. There is nothing so satisfying as that. It has done my heart good.

Then, I got to hang with Miss A and her beautiful mama. Ahhhhh...good day.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Captain Kyles message this week was just about you :) He talked about the unsung heroes in the Word and in our lives today. He said that he remembers nothing specific about each sermon he heard growing up, but he could name the people who greeted him, smiled, shook his hand or gave him a hug, prayed with him. You are a hero, BEing who you are!
